Welcome to the Center for Excellence in Christian Education, a nexus of creativity and innovation in educational leadership, research, and practice.
Whether we are pastors, educators, congregational leaders, commissioned ruling elders, or scholars, it is our collective voices, experiences, wisdom, and creativity that can move us through the best of what was, and into the faithfulness of what will be.
Our center offers pedagogical strategies for teaching in diverse contexts of ministry while promoting and encouraging educators, pastors, congregational, and community leaders to explore, deepen, and retool their gifts for ministry.
Sustaining and equipping all those who educate, whatever their level of theological education or vocational experience.
Creating space and opportunities for faculty and practitioners to engage in critical conversations that develop innovative, effective, and imaginative theories, models, and methods.
Welcome to As I See It, a monthly column where a cross section of those committed to forming faith and Christian education reflect on the interplay of theology, theory, and practice in a rapidly changing church and world. Here practitioners, faculty, students, and leaders in faith communities will share their voice as they ponder what excellence in Christian education means in a various contexts and topics. Our goal is to provide a place for insights to be shared and further imagining to be birthed.
If there is something ruminating within you, something deep and relevant you’d like to cultivate into being, let’s talk. Please send us an email cece@upsem.edu to begin the conversation.
This month, the genesis of As I See It and its relevance for today.