
Creating space and opportunities for faculty and practitioners to engage in critical conversations that develop innovative, effective, and imaginative theories, models, and methods.

Collaborative Conversations

Hosting discussion around vital issues in Christian education through synchronous and asynchronous technology so that the collective concerns and insights of educators, pastors, and leaders can inform emerging research and practices.

Collaborative Conversations

Creativity and Innovation Cohorts

Inviting practitioners to develop new approaches to ministries by engaging adaptive and practical theology methodologies so that aspects of the Church’s witness can remain relevant and dynamic.

Creativity and Innovation Cohorts

Research Roundtables

Fostering critical and dynamic research by convening researchers, practitioners, faculty, and students in order to cultivate emerging pedagogical models and practices for educational ministries.

Research Roundtables

On Teaching

Deepening and strengthening our pedagogical practices and educational habits through a collection of essays, resources, tips, reflections, and ideas so that our common teaching ministry shapes identity, nurtures meaning-making, and engenders faithful living in the world.

On Teaching

Spark Conversations

Keeping the discussion going beyond in-person and/or virtual gatherings by providing communal space to share your ideas, questions, and comments so that the voices of colleagues in ministry around the Church and beyond are shared, heard, and valued.

Spark Conversations